
General Info:

  • Event Type: Social
  • Date: 2018-06-08
  • Start Time: 17:00:00
  • End Time: 21:00:00
  • Location:
  • More info...

End of the Season Party and Annual Meeting

The year end party/annual meeting is scheduled for June 8 (Friday). The plan is for a BYOB (Bring Your Own Booze). If anyone wants to contribute shareable things please let me know. The Club will provide burgers and hot dogs for all.

The party will be at Étienne's place at 46 Eugene Ct in Dieppe, starting at 5pm (click here for a google map of the location). You can reach Étienne at 204-0058 if needed.

Weather permitting, we'll do this outside.

Additional information:

  1. Your host has an above ground pool (heated) so don't hesitate to bring a bathing suit if the weather is nice!
  2. If you have extra patio/foldable chairs, you may want to bring one for yourself since our host may not have enough for everybody.
  3. The host has a dog (in case you have allergies)
  4. The host will prepare a couple of side dishes but contributions from other members would be appreciated (salads, apetizers, desserts, etc.)
  5. Please let the host know if you plan to come (and if you plan to bring a side dish/dessert)

We'll take some time during the party to have a semi-formal annual meeting (we'll talk about the club's finances, go over the last year and over the plan for next year).